Tool: reNgine – Optimal installation

reNgine is your ultimate web application reconnaissance suite, designed to supercharge the recon process for security pros, pentesters, and bug bounty hunters. It is go-to web application reconnaissance suite that’s designed to simplify and streamline ...

Ciberseguridad y Privacidad para Influencers

En un mundo lleno de riesgos tanto físicos como informáticos, la integridad, disponibilidad y confidencialidad de nuestros datos son uno de los desafíos más críticos. Estos factores no solo impactan nuestra privacidad, sino que también ...

Cybersecurity And Hacker Movies

2023 – Leave the World Behind A family’s getaway to a luxurious rental home takes an ominous turn when a cyberattack knocks out their devices — and two strangers appear at their door. 2021 – ...

OSINTOMÁTICO Conference 2023

¡Atención a todos los interesados en el mundo de OSINT e ingeniería social! ¡Osintomático Conference 2023 está aquí!OSINTOMÁTICO Conference ¡Asiste a la segunda edición de este congreso, que se celebrará los días viernes 12 y ...

OSINT Resources for pentesting.

OSINT Summary Minimalist resources to learn about OSINT, tools, and others.. Open-source intelligence refers to gathering data from freely accessible and available sources for a variety of purposes. In other words, open-source intelligence includes any ...

CEH-Practical TIPS

View all the content: What is an Ethical Hacker? The Ethical Hacker is an individual who is usually employed with the organization and who can be trusted to undertake an attempt to penetrate networks ...