Tool: Maigret OSINT

Maigret – OSINT Tool collects a dossier on a person by username only, checking for accounts on a huge number of sites and gathering all the available information from web pages. No API keys required. Maigret is ...

Tool: BlackStone Project 2.0 – Reporting

BlackStone project or “BlackStone Project” is a reporting tool created in order to automate the work of drafting and submitting a report on audits of ethical hacking or pentesting. In this tool we can register ...

Tool: cve-maker

cve-maker is a hub for finding CVEs and exploits. It is based on the official NIST, ExploitDB and Github databases. The tool makes it quick and easy to search for CVEs and their associated exploits. ...

Git Exposed – Pentesting Git Tools

Git Summary Tools to perform, Bug Hunting, Pentesting and audits in Git, expose bad configurations, secret keys.Problem: Most developers or companies that carry out version control in Git, sometimes forget that they are exposed some ...

Herramientas Phishing

Phishing es una técnica que consiste en engañar a las personas para que compartan información como contraseñas y números de tarjetas de crédito, mediante emails o sms. Herramientas recopiladas por Fran Ramírez (Busca las ...

Multiboot para tus isos.

Una alternativa para cuando trabajas con varios live de isos o no manejas maquinas virtuales. Easy2Boot  – Multiboot para tus isos. Una nueva solución de arranque múltiple USB (Legacy + Secure UEFI). Simplemente copie los ...