eWPTXv2 Review & tips. (English)

The eWPTX (eLearnSecurity Web Application Penetration Tester eXtreme) certification is an advanced certification in web application penetration testing. It focuses on evaluating your skills in penetration testing processes and methodologies, web application analysis, advanced reporting ...

eWPTXv2 Review y Tips (Español)

La certificación eWPTX (eLearnSecurity Web Application Penetration Tester eXtreme) es una certificación avanzada en pruebas de penetración de aplicaciones web. Se centra en evaluar tus habilidades en procesos y metodologías de prueba de penetración, análisis ...

Cybersecurity And Hacker Movies

Contents1 2023 – Leave the World Behind2 2021 – Silk Road3 2020 – Unfollower4 1999 – The Matrix5 1983 – War Games6 1995 – HACKERS 7 1995 – The Net8 2001 – Swordfish 9 2006 – The ...

OSINTOMÁTICO Conference 2023

¡Atención a todos los interesados en el mundo de OSINT e ingeniería social! ¡Osintomático Conference 2023 está aquí!OSINTOMÁTICO Conference ¡Asiste a la segunda edición de este congreso, que se celebrará los días viernes 12 y ...

Cybersecurity and Hacking Documentaries

Hacking and cybersecurity documentaries, to understand the history about cyberspace.Credits: Joas A SantosReference: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6972328300798980096/ Contents1 Summary2 2022 – The Hacktivist, Award Winning Short Film Documentary3 2021 – Dark Web Fighting Cybercrime Full Hacking Documentary4 2021 ...

Azure Pentesting

Contents1 Azure Pentesting – Summary2 Intro3 Get Secrets Values – Azure4 Microsoft Resources in Azure Active Directory5 Get the Azure AD info – Azure Key Vault5.1 Get a JWT Token for Azure Key Vault with ...

OSINT Resources for pentesting.

OSINT Summary Minimalist resources to learn about OSINT, tools, and others.. Open-source intelligence refers to gathering data from freely accessible and available sources for a variety of purposes. In other words, open-source intelligence includes any ...